Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Happy birthday Annhien, Jan 8

Be/ Nhien noi" cam/ on Co^ Ta^n\nhieu\..be/ Nhien thich may con nay\ lam/lam/... "


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Nhien! 24 tuoi roi,mau ghe hen!Chuc Nhien luon luon vui khoe,tre dep,hoc mau thanh tai nghen!

Anonymous said...

happy birthday An Nhien,hoi xua co lan chu Phong cung 24 tuoi nhu nhien,chuc Nhien luc nao cung vui ve.

Anonymous said...

Happy Belated Birthday ... Chuc Mung An Nhien 24 tuoi + 1 ngay

:) said...

Cam on everyone for your birthday wishes!! 24. Yikes! Another year closer to death and I still haven't done anything remotely interesting with myself hehe :P

Anonymous said...


Being 24 is not closer to death than .. 25, so enjoy your time/age, still more than 360 days to that "scary 25"

If your room is clean, you've already done alot with yourself (big challenge, right ?) :)

Anonymous said...

Hi An Nhien!
You made everyone happy, it means a lot

"Another year closer to death and I still haven't done anything remotely interesting with myself hehe"

Hmmmmmmm,Let me say that, not you :)...